League of Legends General User Guide

Hello everyone! I made this new page and dedicated to as a General User Guide for players of all rankings, for League of Legends. On this page are some basic things as well as notes, abbreviations and various other little bits of information that might be helpful in your League of Legends experience. So please feel free to use this as a guide, regardless if you are a new player or an old player of the game. Please understand that the notes below are for “Summoners Rift” a 5 versus 5 player map, only. Some of the things listed below though will be similar in Twisted Treeline and in Dominion.

Lane Phase & Laning Terms:

Lane: A Lane is a part of the map where minions spawn and fight to push a tower in that direction. In Summoners Rift, there are 3 lanes. There is Top Lane, Middle Lane & Bottom Lane.Top Lane: Top Lane is the lane closest to the left. ~ Known used phrases “Top is missing” – This means the opposing top lane champion(s) are/is missing.
Middle Lane: Also known as Mid. This is the lane that goes right down the middle of the map. Middle lane is normally a solo lane. Where a 1 verse 1 occurs.
Bottom Lane: Also known simply as Bot. This lane is the one on the right hand side. Bottom lanes are closest to the dragon buff.
Solo: Alone; This is term used for a lane that is 1 verse 1 or 1 verse 2
Duo: Two; This is a term used for a lane with 2 champions in it.
Turret: The Turret (more commonly referred to as a tower to avoid confusion with H-28G Evolution Turret) is a heavy fortification that blocks the enemy’s minion waves and champions’ path to the Nexus. In order for a Champion to push forward and continue its assault into the enemies’ territory, the champion must destroy these turrets. Charging minions will not be able to pass any further up a lane until the turret closest to them is destroyed. Turrets do heavy damage to enemy units.
Gold (g): Champions accumulate gold continuously over the course of the game and in lumps by killing units. Some items, abilities, and masteries have effects which cause Champions to gain gold more quickly.
Mia (ss): mia stands for missing in action. However often times people will say mia or ss for short.
Roam (Also known as roaming): A roaming champion can be very dangerous. This means they are not sticking to a lane, but instead they are going around trying to get “free” kills.
Gank: To gang up together and kill a person or a small group of people who might be out of position.

Jungler & Jungle Terms

Jungler: The jungler is the person who farms the neutral creep only. These creeps can be found as red dots on your mini map. The image below is a blown up version of the mini map, with images of what neutral creeps are where. Junglers gank very often on over extended lanes or when another team mate calls for a gank.
Blue: Blue or Blue Buff is a special buff. The Blue Buff (Ancient Golem) Grants the following – “This unit regens 1.5% mana (or energy) per second and has (16 + Level*0.5)% cooldown reduction on their abilities. If slain, this buff transfers to the killer.”
Red: Red or Red Buff is a special buff. The Red Buff (Lizard Buff) Grants the following – “This unit’s physical attacks slow the target’s movement speed by (10/20/30)% (at levels 1/6/11) and deal (7.7 + Level * 2.35) true damage based on their level. If the buff holder is slain, this buff is transferred to the killer.” Please note that Red buff is only half as powerful on ranged champions.
Dragon: Dragon is a neutral monster that when killed, grants every member on the team +190 gold. The person who gets the last hit on dragon gets an additional +25 gold.
Baron: Baron or Nashor Baron is a special buff. When Baron is killed he grants the following buff to every member on the team, who was alive at the moment he was killed – “40 ability power; 40 damage; 3% of your max health in health regeneration per 5 secs; 1% of your max mana in mana regeneration per 5 secs”
Counter Jungling: Counter Jungling is a term used for someone who takes the jungle neutrals from the jungler on the opposing team.
Wraiths: The Wraith is a neutral monster in League of Legends described in game as “A fragile monster that takes less damage from physical attacks and steals life each time it strikes”. The Wraith lifesteal is fairly low, but it makes it harder to kill in the early to midgame.
Golems: A Golem is a neutral monster in League of Legends described as “A slow attacking monster that deals large amounts of damage and has a large amount of health”.
Wolves: A Wolf is a neutral monster in League of Legends described in game as “A fast monster with an increased chance to critically strike its target”.

Oom: oom stands for “out of mana”
Brt: brt stands for “be right there”
Omw: omw stands for “on my way”
Cd: cd stands for “on cool down”
Cdr: cdr stands for “cool down reduction”
Crit: Crit or Critical Strike deals extra damage during an attack. This could represent an attack that hits harder, a lucky strike or damaging a weak area on an opponent.
Mr: mr stands for “Magic resistance”. You generally get mr against a champion that deals magic/ability power based damage towards you
Magic Pen: Magic Pen stands for “Magic Penetration” . This means you have the ability to penetrate someone’s magic resistance.
Armor Pen: Armor Pen stands for “Armor Penetration”. This means you have the ability to penetrate someone’s armor.
Re: re stands for “resighted” or “reappeared”. This means if a champion went missing and has returned into vision, your team mate will say “re”
B: b stands for “back” or “back up”. Some even refer to it as blue pill, as in to port back to base.
Inc: inc stands for “incoming”. Examples: “inc bot” ~ “inc top”
Care (insert lane): This is a general warning that the person who called it thinks the lane mentioned might get ganked.
SS / mia (Missing): This is basically to let you know that someone is missing from a lane. SS is short for miss and mia is short for missing in action. It is important to make these kind of calls.
KS (Kill Steal / Kill Secured): This term is often used as to accuse someone of “kill stealing” a kill on a champion. This means the person who did the most damage and would have received the credit for the kill was robbed of the kill by someone who went in and last hit that exact champion. Thus “stealing” it from the summoner who worked really hard for it. This could be a huge problem in early game and not so much of a big deal in middle to late game. However some people will also use the term “KS” to say kill secured or it will be used as a counter arguement to them being accused of stealing a kill.

Champion & Champion Terms:
Assassin: Assassin champions that specialize in killing their enemies quickly. These champions usually are physical attackers and are DPS-based or are AP burst oriented. All of them have some form of invisibility or sudden ambushing ability.
Carry: Carry champions are those that generally start off weaker than other champions, but become gradually powerful as they gain levels and items to the point where they can potentially take on multiple champions by themselves. Most carries have skills, passive or active, that scale with their stats, such as an increase in Base Damage and Attack Speed, and rely mostly on their regular attack to dish out damage. Carry champions are extremely effective late-game at pushing the team to victory, either by killing off key players on the enemy team, controlling elements of gameplay, deal large damage in team fights or supporting the team in attacking.
Fighter (Bruiser/Tanky Dps): A fighter champion is a hybrid between DPS and tanking, these champions combine the survivability of a tank and the damage of a DPS or a caster. Although they don’t quite match up to their specialized counterparts in either role, they still excel in both.
Jungler: Jungler champions are those that can easily farm monsters in the jungle and can typically take out minions waves quickly. They also excel in ganking.
Mage: Mage champions are damage-based champions whose abilities are typically ranged and greatly affected by ability power.
Melee: Melee champions are those that have a melee basic attack, so they have to be very close to their target in order to do the normal attack. They have usually more health, armor, and magic resistance than ranged champions.
Pusher: Pusher champions are those that can quickly kill minion waves and destroy turrets/inhibitors. Typically, champions that destroy turrets/inhibitors have pets or a huge amount of health.
Ranged: Ranged champions those whose basic attack can cause damage at a distance, allowing them to avoid many harmful risks and increasing their flee capability. Many of these are mages and most of them possess less than average health.
Recommended: Recommended champions are those whose skills don’t involve any complicated mechanics and playing them effectively does not require extensive knowledge of the other champions.
Stealth: Stealth is an ability that lets a champion become invisible to enemies (other than when near turrets, vision wards, and enemy champions with an Oracles buff).
Support: Support champions are champions whose skills are meant to directly aid the rest of the team. They can either babysit a hero to make laning easier for them, provide healing, buffs, or map control, apply debuffs to the enemy team, or a combination of the above. These champions usually rely on their skills more than their auto-attack.

Tank: Tank champions are designed to take huge amounts of damage. Tanks are usually champions that sport high amounts of health and armor. If left alone, tanks are able to accumulate high amounts of damage or disables on their foes.
AP: ap stands for “Ability Power”
AD: ad stands for “Attack Damage”
Attack Speed (as): Attack speed is generally a statistic in the game which increases the rate at which a unit attacks. Some abilities and items have effects which increase or decrease a unit’s attack speed.
Damage (dmg): Damage is generally a statistic in the game which determines how many hit points a unit deducts from its target when attacking. Some abilities have effects which deal damage to units directly, while some abilities, items, and buffs have effects which increase or decrease the amount of damage a unit inflicts.
Armor (arm or amr): Armor is generally a statistic in the game which mitigates the physical damage that a unit receives. Some abilities, items, and monster buffs have effects which increase or decrease a unit’s armor.
Health: Health (commonly known as HP, itself meaning Health/Hit Points) is the amount of life a champion has. It is represented in the interface as a green bar with two numbers (x/x): the first one represents the actual life available at the moment, while the second is the maximum amount of health the champion can have. If a champion hits 0 on the first one and doesn’t have an item that prevents his death, than they die.
Mana: Mana is the Resource of your champion necessary to cast most of his 4 Abilities. The mana pool is represented with a Blue Bar below the Green health Bar and 2 numbers (x/x) in the middle of it. The first one is your actual quantity of mana and the second refers to the total quantity you can store. Mana regenerates over time and this rate can be increased with masteries and Items.
Energy: Energy is a resource used to fuel abilities of certain champions in place of mana. It is represented by a yellow bar instead of blue. Unlike mana, the maximum energy and energy regeneration rate of a champion cannot be increased with items or masteries but can be enhanced with certain runes. Energy regeneration can also be increased with the blue buff.
Fury (Rage): Currently Fury is one of 2 unique resources in the game. The champions who are using such a resource are also cooldown champions, as their resource just provides additional gameplay elements and does not limit their capabilities to cast abilities.
Ultimate (Ulti): Ulti also known as Ultimate is the elite (or the final skill out of 4 that a champion gets access to at level 6). This skill is either stronger than the other 3 or it adds a special bonus effect towards the others. The Ultimate skill can also grant a champion a unique ability that is completely different from the other 3 skills the champion already has (Example: Teemo). This skill tends to be the most expensive but worth while skill a champion has to use through out the game. This skill generally tends to take the longest to come off of cool down. There are some champions who do not have ultimate skill though or have just 3 or 4 skills only. The final skill is replaced as a special buff or effect towards the other 3 prior. Example: Karma has only 3 skills but has a 4th skill that adds an extra bonus effect to her 3 previous skills. She actually starts the game off with this 4th skill and one skill of her choice. However she has to level up the other 3 skills 6 times, to be maxed. The normal amount of times a skill can be leveled up is 5. In Karma’s case, she can not level up that final (4th) skill.
Passive: All champions possess a unique passive or innate ability which is active from the start of a game.
Active: An active is an ability that you must “activate” to use it or to gain the special bonus/effect from.
Passive/Active Abilities: In some cases there are items or skills that have a passive and an active ability. The passive is always going so long as you meet the requirements listed. The active ability of that skill or item can have different effects on how it the skill or item works. In some cases the passive stops for a short period of time, becomes an active and gains a bonus. However in other cases it may give a special added bonus, completely different from the already passive effect offered.
A Channeled ability is any ability which, upon activation, makes the champion become immobile and unable to attack or use abilities for at least a second in order to achieve the desired effect.

How to Tell if a Teammates Ultimate Skill Is Up
In the image above there is a red arrow pointing to the dot next to the picture of Annie. The levels shown up next to those champion images only update when you look at the champion from your screen. That dot represents that teammates ultimate. When the dot is green, like next to annie, it means Annie has her ultimate and is able to use it. When the dot is clear, like next to the picture of cho’gath, then that means he does not have his ultimate up or ready.

Effects & Effect Abbreviations:
CC: CC stands for Crowd Control. CC refers to abilities that influence or prevent the abilities or actions of other champions.
Stun: Stun is where you cannot move or take any actions; Stun is an effect which causes a unit to be unable to move or use any abilities or spells for a brief duration. It will also cancel many spells and abilities if they are in the process of being cast.
Suppress: Supression immobilizes and prevents actions. It will interrupt channeled abilities. It prevents use of most abilities, including summoner spells and cannot be removed by Cleanse Cleanse or reduced by Tenacity.
Taunt: Forces the target to try to auto attack the taunting champion, making him unable to do anything else. It will interrupt channeled abilities. It can force movement because target will chase to try to autoattack while taunting.
Silence: Silence is an effect which prohibits units from using abilities or spells.
Blind: Blind makes the target always miss with auto attacks. It has no effects on abilities and will not interrupt them or prevent their damage.
Fear: Fear effects cause their target to lose control and move randomly for the duration of the effect.
Grab: Grab effects will pull a unit in the direction of the unit instigating the Grab effect.
Heal: Heal effects cause a unit to regenerate hit points. Some heal effects regenerate this health immediately, while others (heal over times) regenerate the health incrementally over a set duration. Some items also have effects which mitigate the amount that a heal ability benefits the units it affects.
Invulnerability: Invulnerability effects protect units from all incoming damage. They do not protect units from other effects.
Knockback: Knockback effects will propel a unit in the opposite direction as the source of the knockback effect.
Knocked up: Knocked up effect will knock someone into the air.
Lifesteal: Lifesteal is an effect which causes a Champion with the ability to heal a percentage of the damage that he inflicts on enemies.
Spell Vamp: Spell vamp is an effect which causes a Champion the ability to heal a percentage of the damage that he inflicts on enemies from skills.
Regenerate: Regenerate is an effect which causes a unit to replenish health and/or mana at an accelerated rate.
Resurrect: Resurrect is an effect which causes a dead Champion to come back to life either without or prior to the completion of a death timer.
Root: Root is often times called snare but a snare and a root effect are completely different. Root is where you are stopped from moving. You can still use skills though. Root can also be called Immobilization.
Slow: Slow is an effect which reduces a unit’s movement speed. A slow is actually a snare. However the term snare is generally used to refer to a root effect.
Snare: The term snare is generally misused to describe a root effect. However a snare is really an effect which reduces a unit’s movement speed. A slow is actually a snare. However the term snare is generally used to refer to a root effect.
Stealth or Invisibility: Stealth is an effect which conceals a unit from enemy units unless they have the ability to see stealthed units; Some champions have the ability to become invisible. Invisible units can do not appear until they have attacked, or the duration of their invisibility effect expires.

Area of Effect (AoE or aoe): Some abilities can affect more than one unit at the same time. There are various ways in which this can take place, but many abilities have an area of effect indicator that can be placed at a location to show the area the ability will affect. One type of area of effect is a circle. Circular areas of effect are often used for abilities that can be cast at a range. Cone shaped area of effects, on the other hand, are often used for Abilities that are cast from the position of the champion casting the ability. There are various other forms of multi-target spells.
Global Effects:
Some champions have certain abilities that have a global effect. What this means is that ability or in many cases, that passive, will be active no matter where that champion is on the map. Examples: Janna has a global movement speed buff for all her team mates. Twisted Fate has a global effect that allows his fellow team mates to gain extra gold. Karthus has a global skill that will hit any opposing champion, any where on the map. Where as Soraka has a global skill that will hit any allied champion on the map. Ashe & Ezreal have ultimates that have the ability hit any champion, any where on the map. All of these are considered global effects.
Sight Wards:
A sight ward or an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 3 minutes. However it does NOT reveal hidden champions or targetable units.
Vision Wards:
Any invisible enemy units who move through the vision radius of a vision ward will be revealed, while in the radius.
Oracle’s Elixir: A consumable potion available at the item shop that grants invisibility detection to a champion until death. While this position is active it will reveal any invisible enemies or targetable units that enter really close into the champion’s vision.
Auras: Champions with aura effects provide a passive modifier to nearby units. Some auras buff allies, increasing their effectiveness in battle, while others debuff enemies, hindering their efforts on the battlefield. In almost all cases aura effects are unique, and cannot be stacked.
Health Potion: Restores 150 Health over 15 seconds
Mana Potion: Restores 100 Mana over 15 seconds.
Elixir of Agility: Click to Consume: Grants 12-22% Attack Speed, based on champion level, and 8% Critical Strike Chance for 4 minutes.
Elixir of Brilliance: Grants 20-40 Ability Power, based on champion level, and 10% Cooldown Reduction for 4 minutes.
Elixir of Fortitude: Grants 140-235 Health, based on champion level, and 10 Attack Damage for 4 minutes.

Champion Classifications & Damage Types:
Dot: Dot stands for “Damage over time”.
Skill Shot: This is a term used to describe a skill that you must take the time to aim and hit an opposing champion with, such as a snare or stun. This is why they are called skill shots.
Dps stands for “Damage per second”. Dps is mostly used to describe an attack damage (ad) champion. In some cases dps is used to describe an ability power based champion who can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Ability power champions like this are properly known as burst champions. Examples of dps champions: Ashe, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Jarvan Iv, Nocturn, Xin Zhao.. etc
Burst: burst stands for a champion who deals a lot of damage over a short of time, but ends up spending most of their skills in this manner. A burst champion tends to be an ability power champion. Sometimes burst based champions are mistakenly called dps champions, because of how much damage they can do over a short period of time. Examples of burst champions: Lux, Annie, Anivia, Malzhar, Veigar.. etc
Right click champions: This is a term used to described a champion who you just right click with and don’t really have to do much more than that. Examples of what people consider right click champions: Ashe, Tristana, Master Yi.. etc
Button smashing champions: This is a term used to describe a champion that you don’t have to do more much more than press buttons and thats about it. This is basically where a player generally is always using all 3-4 of their skills, without having to actually focus on much more than that. Examples of what people consider button smashing champions: Sona, Ryze.. etc

Terms in Regards to Tactics, Farming & Game Terminology:
Map Awareness: Map awareness is the act in being aware of the map and what is going on in multiple locations, besides the one you are currently inhabiting. To keep good map awareness you must constantly be aware of your mini map. Your mini map is located in the lower right hand corner of your screen, which is the default position. Warding properly is another way to keep good map awareness. You can buy wards at the shop and then place them in a location on the map to give your team additional vision in the fog of war.
Focus: An act of concentrating interest or activity on something. To have the team “focus” on all attacking one champion.
Kite: The term kite is used to describe when a ranged fighter skirmishes with a melee fighter by running and shooting. This can have 2 purposes: A) to damage the enemy while staying outside of range, or B) to make the enemy follow you so you can lead them to a specific location.
Zone: To zone is to push another champion out of the range of exp. Thus making them level slower.
Primary: Primary is a term used towards saying that someone is the first target in a team fight. That makes them the “primary” target.
Lane phase: The lane phase can be one of the most important time periods in a match. Depending on how your team does during laning phase, can determine the out come of the game later on. Laning phase is the part of the game when most champions are sticking to their lane. Lane phase will generally start to end after the first turret has fallen on either side.
Early game: Early game is broken down into a few things that can help give your team an advantage. You have your laning phase and you have the early game ganks. Both of these factors can help build a team up for a victory or for a defeat. Early game starts to transition into middle game shortly after the first turret has fallen on either side.
Middle game: Middle game or often referred to as Mid Game is the part of the game when ganks are going on and teams are doing their best to get their high end items. This is also the point where teams try to take any advantage they can get. Including but not limited to: Ganks, turrets, buffs..etc. Mid Game starts to transition into late game by the time at least 3-4 turrets are down on either side or if one lane is completely pushed into a base.
Late game: Late game is the final part of the match. This is where there will be many team fights. By the time you have reached this point in the match, most players have their item builds almost completed. The late game part of a match generally comes down to tactics and positioning. Which every team has stayed on top of the buffs, gold, pushing and their position along with having great tactics and team work, tend to win the match.

Inhibitor: The Inhibitors are buildings that block the training of enemy Super Minion in the same lane. Once an enemy team’s inhibitor is destroyed, the Nexus will start spawning Super Minions in the corresponding lane on the next wave, along with giving a boost of roughly 100hp to all the regular minions in all 3 lanes for future waves.
Nexus: The Nexus is the main building. The nexus is the most important structure on the battlefield, and is the source of the minion armies. In order to win a game, the opposing team’s Nexus must be destroyed.
Team fight: A team fight is when multiple champions on both sides engage in combat.
Defending (d): The term defend or d means to defend your base and your turrets. To try to stop the opposing team from pushing any further.
Last hits: Last hits are very important when it comes to farming. Some champions need to last hit and be very farmed, where as others do not. During a match you gain 7 gold per 5 seconds, however for every minion that you last hit you gain extra gold. You also gain gold for killing a champion or assisting in the kill of a champion.
Farming: Farming is a term that is used for when a champion is going out of their way to kill as many minions as they can. Some champions must be very farmed and be able to get their items as fast as possible, to be any good. So what people will often say in a match is that they are “farming” for their next item.
Cs: Cs stands for creep score. This score is about how many creeps you have killed through out the match.
Counter Pushing: Counter Pushing is a tactic often used during a match. If you had your bottom lane being pushed by the opposing team and you had someone go push the top lane in hopes to get them to stop pushing bottom lane, this is referred to as counter pushing.
Warding: Warding is a term used to describe the action of dropping wards on the map. What this does is give your team map awareness and the ability to gank more often.
Team Kills: This is the score that shows how many kills each team has achieved during a match. This score is known as Team kills.
Kills: This is the action in which one champion kills another. When a champion has multiple, they are called kills.
Kill Streaks: Each kill that is done in a row without death increases the bounty to a maximum of 500 gold. A killing streak begins on the third kill a champion gains without dieing. This streak is known as a killing spree.
Death Streak: Each death of one champion reduces the gained rewards by 15% down to 15 gold. If you break your death streak by getting a kill, your value is reset to 300 gold. You can also break your death streak after many assists. The longer you are on a death streak, the less you are worth.
Assists: An assist is a term used when a champion helps kill another champion. The killer gains a kill and gold, while the person who helped the killer gains a smaller amount of gold and an assist.
Kda: Kda is a term that refers to your kill, death and assist ratio during a match. Kda literally means “kill-death-assists”.
Champion level: When a match starts, every champion begins at level 1. As the match progresses on, champions gain levels. The highest level able to be achieved during a match is level 18.

Summoner Terms:
Summoner level: After every match a summoner (the players account) gains a certain amount of experience points (exp) and influence points (Ip). The more a summoner plays, the more the experience piles up. Summoner accounts have levels which unlock new features of the game. These features are known as the following: Runes, Masteries, Summoner spells and the ability to play ranked mode games. The highest summoner level is 30.
Runes: Every summoner has the ability to buy runes. However they will have access to different level runes and how many rune slots they can use on a rune page, based on their summoner level. Many players decide to wait till level 20 before buying runes. Between summoner levels 1-9 you have access to tier 1 runes. Between summoner levels 10-19 you have access to tier 2 runes. From summoner level 20 and on, you have access to tier 3 runes. Tier 3 runes can be expensive but they are the ones that are most worth the time.
Masteries: Masteries are another feature of the game that is unlocked little by little, based on your summoner level. By the time a summoner is level 30, they have the ability to use 30 points into 3 different mastery trees total. Once a summoner account is made and has played its first match, it gains one mastery point to use. Every time the account levels up, it comes closer towards having all 30 points unlocked to use in the masteries area.
Summoners spells: Summoner spells are chosen in Champion Select before the start of the game. Each player is allowed two summoner spells chosen from a list of spells determined by the player’s summoner level. These summoner spells can be used in game to aid the player’s champion in various ways. Some summoner spells increase in effectiveness relative to your champion’s level, but many provide the same effect at champion level 1 as they do at champion level 18. They also do not have any cost other than their cool down.
Champion rotation: Champion rotation is where every week 10 champions are selected and available to everyone through out that week. Every week, a different set of champions are available. If you found a champion you don’t want to lose after it falls out of champion rotation, then you must unlock it with either either influence points or riot points.
Ip: Influence Points or IP, are earned at the end of each game a player finishes. The amount of IP gained depends on the outcome of the game, the game type and the length of the match. Influence points can be used to permanently unlock champions, runes or additional rune book pages in the Riot Store.
Rp: Riot Points or Rp, can be purchased with real money and are used to purchase things to add convenience, extra customization options, or to add diversity to the experience. Examples of things that can be purchased with Riot Points are Champions, alternate Champion Skins, or boosts, which are modifiers that increase the rate at which you gain Influence Points or Summoner Experience Points.
Experience (Exp): Experience or Exp, can refer to the experience gained by Summoners after completing a game or by Champions in game after a Minion or Champion is slain nearby.

Other In Game Terminology & In Game Abbreviations For Manners:
Fog of war: Fog of war refers to the obscuring effect that takes place on areas of the map that are not within the vision range of your allies
Brush: Brush is the tall grassy terrain on a map that provides a champion with a form of stealth. Upon entering the brush, a champion immediately (no fade time) becomes invisible to enemy units outside of that particular patch of brush. Visually, this effect manifests by your champion’s avatar taking on a partially transparent quality. Opposing champions in different patches of brush will not be able to see each other even if they are within normal sight range. Brush, however, will never block your view of an allied champion hiding within.
GG: gg means “Good Game”
BG: bg means “Bad Game”
WP: wp means “Well Played”
ARAM: All Random, All Middle
GJ: gj means “Good Job”
n1: n1 means “Nice One”
ty: ty means “Thank You”
nty: nty means “No Thank You”
y (depends on context): y has two means, which depends on the context it is used in. The first y can mean “why” as in to ask a question. The second meaning is “yes” or “ya”, which is for agreement. You should be able to easily tell the difference of which one is being used, by how it is used in the chat.

Useful Links For More Information:

Useful League of Legends Links & Resource Information
Standard ARAM Rules
ARAM Ban List Items
Link for the thread in the New Player Forum
Link for the thread of this in the Guides & Strategy

10 Responses to League of Legends General User Guide

  1. This guide is awesome Tesla! You’ve done it again! Two things I noticed that you may have missed during Editing:
    1. During the definition of Turret you double type H-28G Evolution Turret
    Turret: The Turret (more commonly referred to as a tower to avoid confusion with H-28G Evolution Turret H-28G Evolution Turret)
    And 2. Annie is level 5 in the picture you showed indiciating that she had her Ulti.

    Hope that helped and I’ll be sure to link new players to your guide!

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